Some people says that AW. is scam, is that true?
I've read some testimony about it a few days ago in a blog, and they say that AW. is scam!!
One that I can remember said that he is a teacher, and his subject is a computer lesson. He teach about computer and internet to his student, and he is a member of AW. also. He tries to proof that AW. is paying, so he ask all of his student in his class to join the AW. and become his referral. Only in 1 or 2 days he achieve the $75 US minimum payment. Then he went to the payment area to ask for payment, but, guess what, the money never come!!!
You know why? Let's think about it. During his class he asked his students become member of AW. at the same time. Many people sign up at the same time with a similar IP Address. What do you think? Isn't that suspicious? So, He's cheating, right? That just one person, what about the others?
For me, I better try it first. I know it not easy to find referral, but just like they say : " No Gain Without Pain" right? So, I suggest you just take your time and think about it, and then when you ready to join and become my referral just click here or click the AW. banner below.